Taking audio too seriously?

Is it just me or are some people too serious about this hobby? I can appreciate great sound and getting everything you can out of your system. At what point does it get too extreme? A jar of rocks, a magic clock, a $2500 power cord plugged into standard house wiring, speaker cables sitting on styrofoam cups? Should the magnets on my speakers face due north to align the flux lines with the Earth's magnetic field? Is anyone brave enough to share any other crazy tweaks they've tried?

It could just be ignorance on my part and I am not trying to rock the boat, but it just seems a little obsessive.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

My audiophilia nervosa eventually reached the point where I had to do some serious soul-searching and make a far-reaching decision: Either join a twelve-step program, or become a dealer.


ps: On the magnet orientation question, are those ferrite magnets or rare-earth magnets??