Takes one to know one

I find what one artist has to say about another fascinating. Here's what Eric Clapton has to say about one such:

"I met the genius of that outfit, who was Richard Manuel. He was as close to genius as I've ever met in a white guy---all the other geniuses I've met have been black Blues players, like B.B. and Buddy Guy. The reason I say they're geniuses is that they do what they do effortlessly with a gift that is so powerful that they don't need to engage in any kind of thinking to pursue it."

I would add Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Garth Hudson, and even Robbie Robertson (somewhat begrudgingly ;-), the other members of The Band, to the list of geniuses. There has never been, and never again will be, a Group containing so much talent. I listen to their music every single day of my life, and have done so for years. Their debut and second album are in my Top 10 albums of all-time list. Both are available on LP and SACD from Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs. Ignore them at the cost of your own musical wealth!


Showing 4 responses by tostadosunidos

The first two albums are fantastic as are select songs from the later releases. Great art transports you to places you could not otherwise go to and that’s what so many of their songs do. MFBP and "the Band" LP’s are high on my list of all-time greatest releases.

Squabbles about band members not getting paid for their contributions are common. Think about how much of the "Kind of Blue" album has nothing to do with Miles’ original tunes--but that’s the way it is and always has been. Legally the music is the melody and lyric, when there is one. Not the arrangement. I had heard some in the Band were unhappy that Robbie would listen to Levon’s dad’s stories and weave them into songs. Well, that’s what writers do. Robbie sat down and did the work, not the other guys. How much they contributed beyond their parts I do not know. I know that people in the studio sometimes contributed a line or two, uncredited to Beatles tunes. Mal Evans co-wrote some of the McCartney tunes on Sgt. Pepper’s and never received credit or royalties. Anyway, the guy who actually writes the melody and lyric gets the bread. Period.

I wish the Band could have maintained the magic of the first two albums but it was not to be. I was fortunate enough to meet Richard once and Rick twice in later years and even got to play a couple of tunes behind Rick in a club (he sat in with our band). It’s a shame they left us too soon. I did see/hear Levon on his last tour and marveled at how strong a drummer he still was (in his 70’s). What a great voice and spirit he had. Collectively they gave us a lot of great music that still holds up. IMO it doesn’t get any better .
bdp24, that night Rick sang Buddy Holly’s "Raining in My Heart" and another tune which I don’t remember. There’s a good recording of him doing RIMH with Ringo’s All-Starr Band. I prefer his cover to Buddy’s original.

+1 for the Band’s album of covers, Moondog Matinee. Great selection of songs and they are done very well. I’ve heard some outtakes that weren’t nearly as good, so they obviously made the right choices there.