Takedown of pricey servers, streamers OCD HiFi guy

Not sure if anyone caught this, but it's quite the take down of some of the very expensive server/streamer stuff out there. It seems logical to me -- especially when he prices out what some of the internal components are -- but this is above my pay grade so I cannot confirm. It's here: https://youtu.be/MMSC9-qQ_K4

Wonder if others agree or disagree with the basic takedown.

Showing 2 responses by mikepowellaudio

Wow, Leave the kids alone and look what happens.. So Im the guy you are talking about and I may as well speak for myself so you may understand me at face value. I started the YT Channel to show regular people how silly and whacky us audiophiles are , to show them the OCD crap that we go through in pursuit of what boils down to perception. People really liked the vids and kept suggesting and giving me moral support and its because I am told nearly every Vid that I in some way helped someone learn, or understand or laugh or feel good in some way that I continue to provide content. This industry normally keeps the people in the dark as its more profitable to make it seem like what we do is rocket science and you are too common to understand it. Because we can keep selling endlessly to someone who does not quite understand. Well this happens to be music , my sacred place and I dont take kindly to people bringing their hustle to music. Its sacrilege, as this is hallowed ground. So this is why I point things out. Mainly to get people to question what something is and learn about it before making judgement . Trust your own ears ... nobody can tell you what good sound is to you for they perceive something different than you do.
So I get Im not all prim, shaven and ironed. Its my hint to you that im probably not of the establishment. I am a common man that pays attention and puts my money where my mouth is. My most valued thing in life is integrity. No I dont know it all , I make mistakes, Im fat and unshaven (Blaming Covid for this ) But I am for sure a keeper of the Music. I hold it precious because it is one of the few "Real" things I experience on this planet.
So briefly for those that think am just some rube talking smack, I am unlike most of the content providers for HiFi in that:
I dont just talk about expensive gear, I buy it and I own it. Im hoping a guy with an over $100K rig may have an opinion that carries more weight than a guy who has never owned it. Why ? because the guy without experience will tell you "Best thing Ive ever heard" whereby youll be hard pressed to hear anything like that from me. So Im credible as a true HiFi afficionado.  People reading reviews never ask themselves how much killer gear has this guy ever owned much less heard? Does he even have a hifi rig ?..also I do not get paid by the manufacturers nor given free gear for a review. I wont accept it as it gives me bias immediately. Why would I expose a brand that gives me free stuff or pays me ? Nearly every YT reviewer is given product or paid by the Mfg. YT is their career.  not me. In fact I do not take one red penny from YouTube. I do not get paid for clicks and I do not get paid for reviews. I am here to earn your HiFi business by proving I know good sound.  My vids are one take with barely any editing on a cel phone, Im not trying to bamboozle you with beautiful video production, but I am sharing with you more real experience and proof than any other HiFi seller. and Im showing you I have world class gear to compare with. By doing this people have been able to trust me enough to buy full HiFi systems when weve never met in person. The channel takes a good amount of time and its not something I must do to survive. My Cable company has been taking care of that for the last 20 years. Currently I consult with HiFi manufacturers insofar as product development. Because I know what audiophiles want in a product and many manufacturers do not.
A quick list of crap that will lend cred just so you understand my background . I hate doing this but it seems it may be necessary by the way some people responded to the thread.
Ive owned an amplifier manufacturer in California
Mark Levinson had LG Electronics hire me to be on his HiFi team as the "marketing expert:" which I had to chuckle at as Im no expert.
I have sold cables and HiFi as my only income for the last 23 years.
I can and do repair and modify HiFi gear. I design and build speakers and I love to grill and am sort of a foodie. I ride motorcycles and love dogs. Im really no mystery and nothing different than any of you guys. And Lalit, I did dig deeper about Taiko after I posted that vid and I know exactly what’s in it. There are main parts that are off the shelf, like MOBO and then there are some off the shelf parts that are tweaked and a few proprietary power supply pieces. I hear this is the only server that means anything above the sea of "same old shit". So Ill try it eventually ... Ive tried my best to respond to what people were saying , If I missed anything please feel free to ask me or give me any feedback as to what I dont do that you would like to see.. all the best and thanks for watching OCD HiFi Guy !


So for the record, if you go back and watch that  Innuos vid, I never mention their name nor show the name as far as I remember. So my intent was to use the imagery for an example but not to burn any certain brand. as a rule I dont do that unless someone from the company has really crossed me in some way.. I can count on one hand the times thats happened.  As Far as Taiko extreme I use it in a sentence I think one time and Im referring to the last model I scrutinized which was about a year ago, and wow do people pull the words out of posts that they want to use. I never said "cheap Chinese gaming board" I guess from what I see in society there is a new trend for  people to completely make things up as a reason to thwart or libel another, Its nuts. For anyone to even focus on Taiko means you have totally missed my point. Its not an important part of my video. and for the record, its over $30K USD for that piece and my opinion is this is a piece that exists for a buyer whereby the price does not need to have a connection with its physical makeup whatsoever. If the squaking bird had not passed immediate judgement on my message without reason, he would have heard me say the Taiko is the highest quality build there is. Its crazy to me that I said that clearly but mister lynch mob creates a story to stand on and cast hate that is 100% created from vapors in his mind. Thats bad for the world in general. Be more responsible people.        I do and have built many servers as well as streamers from R-PI to High perf gaming MOBO with a second MOBO in the same chassis, LPSU , etc. Let me preface that by saying I am not a computer guy at all , never gamed, nor hacked or anything , so to me the fact that I can build a server that sounds soooo good (My homebrew cooked the Laufer by the way since I saw it mentioned earlier in this thread) so I figure someone that does not know crap can guess at what would make a server sound good and do this well, then its got to be easy as it gets to make a great sounding server. Mine cost me $1500 and it sounds better than one $10K piece and multiple lesser pieces Ive had through here. So Ive deemed server is not that big of a deal , therefore no need to spend deep on it . That being said, as Im thinking this through , this result could be totally different if we were putting a server into a 20K rig.... Mine is over $100K (retail price, and NO I did not pay anywhere near that) to over simplify, its like saying the DAC is so good that any digital input sounds glorious. Do not fret however as Ive got a vid coming up where Ill compare servers and l;ets see what happens I’ll also be doing Lpsu’s and audiophile switches. FYI I rarely come to these forums so If you post a question to me here I may not notice

Also to the dont take me too seriously "camp" as one fellow said. I actually like that position because people do not see me coming. This is great for competing in this industry. I believe he referred to me misnaming something inside the piece. Thank God that does not affect how good my ears are at tuning systems as well as creating gear. I never claim to know anything more than the next guy. In fact I probably know less. But I make the magic happen sonically and not everyone knows how to do that in a room. In another strange thing I do, I commit to my clients to take them across the finish line , if its now with a complete rig , or if its over the next 10 years as I buy everything back I sold you so you may upgrade. Nobody has policy like I do. This is not a job for me. Visit 11stereo.com and you will understand that there is a different experience than the mainstream within the HiFi Tribe

Did I miss anything that anyone would like a direct response to ? My apology if I missed something . 

all the best..
