Taiwan Audio Association Hi-End Hi-Fi 2008

TAA 2008 HiEnd HiFI


I figured I'd give Picasa a try.
This took a lot longer than expected. So take a few min to look/read through it. All pics are in low res. 640x480 to save space and upload time.

Oh by the way, flash is no good w/ empty batteries, and no tripod... So I apologize for all the under exposed/fuzzy pics.
I have alot more pics but they're really unusable... There were so much more stuff there I wish I could share w/ all of you. I'll do a better job next time.

Although I was there everyday of show, but I still wish I had an entire day in each room (alone w/ equipment)! A lot of memorable/eye opening equipments. Also talked to many reps/distributors/importer/product designers learned a great deal too.
All in all, it was a great experience. Lots of fun!

Hopefully I'll make the next Rocky Mountain/CES/TAA. Maybe see some of you there.

Showing 1 response by gundam91

Spoolyt, are you living in Taiwan? That looks like a great show. If I'm not mistaken, this show is hosted as part of the high-end consumer product show? Or is this a show dedicated only to high-end Audio? I believe the Hong Kong show is hosted during the same week or the week before/after?

Do you have the link to TAA's website? I would love to go back and attend next year. Now I just need to convince my wife that August is really NOT that hot and humid in Taiwan... ;-) Ooh! Maybe I can convince her to hit both Hong Kong and Taiwan shows and come back to the RMAF show!

We should definitely hook up in Denver!
