Tact Audio Great Service

I just wanted to give a shout out to Tact Audio.

I have an RCS 2.0 that developed a little issue. I sent the unit back to Tact for repair. About a week after I shipped it out, I received a call saying they couldn't duplicate the issue and they wanted to know if they could keep the unit a few more days to try and track down the problem, because "it could get expensive if they were to just start replacing parts that they thought might be causing the issue".

A few days later I received another call saying they still couldn't duplicate the problem, but replaced some "boards" that could be the problem. When I asked how much? I was told "not to worry about it".

A couple of days later I had the unit back and it's been working fine.

The unit was gone a total of two weeks, they couldn't duplicate the problem but replaced parts anyway, for free and now it works fine. And did I mention that I'm not the original owner and the warranty period has passed?

I think it's great that there are still companies out there who treat customers this way.

I've owned my TacT RCS 2.2Xaaa for over four years. My experience with Boz has been an excellent one as well. When I first got the unit, I had a lot of questions and he was very patient(walking me through the learning curve). Three years ago my unit developed an intermittent problem that he couldn't duplicate as well. Same resolution: He replaced a few boards and no problems since. I never have a problem reaching him personally with questions about the programming(I had to go to Vista(yuch) from XP), etc. A very consciencious company(how rare in today's world). I couldn't be happier with the unit's performance/transparency in my listening room either(and that from a confirmed don't-like-digital/no-signal-manipulation/straight-wire-with-gain lover for over 30 years). I went to the TacT from a Placette Passive Linestage(another excellent and consciencious company).
I agree about the performance. I was using a digital EQ, but the TacT is light years ahead it. I can't imagine ever going back to not using room correction.
I third that Tact / Boz has great service. I've spent many hours on the phone with Boz trying to understand the complexities of the unit and the best way to use it. They also replaced my unit with a new one (and paid for shipping in both directions) when it developed a problem.

By the way I would recommend the LinerX M31 measurement microphone to do the measurements (I have no affiliation with them). In my environment it does a significantly job than the mic included with the unit.
Is it a coincidence that, in 10 years, the only positive posts that have EVER been posted about Tact have occurred this month? They look suspiciously like plants in response to a VERY negative thread about the company currently creating outrage over at Audio Asylum? You may want to check out the thread and it's follow-up before dealing with either Tact or Anthony Padilla:

My response is hardly a plant! I've been very pleased with my Tact over the years, and have mentioned that in here several times. If you want the facts, follow what actually happened here: (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/TacTAudioUsersGroup/messages/27078) One Tact user had a problem that he created himself, and then ranted and raved against a number of very conscientious people. He was even offered a replacement that he refused. The guy that started the whole thing is obviouly imbalanced, and the rest of the TacT users community has decided to ignore him. It would be a shame to see an excellent company take a beating in here, do to a total lack of the facts.
I totally agree with Rodman. I didn't even know anything about this situation when I purchased my unit, and the service has been beyond reproach. Gdeisler has already been banned from the Yahoo forum for abusive language and unscrupulous behavior and is obviously trying to do the same here on Audiogon.
Here is one of the threads that I responded to over two years ago(way before Mr G's issues/rants surfaced): (http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1166278482&read&keyw&zztact) You'll notice that I mentioned their service as being "second to none" in that post as well. My opinion of Tact as an excellent company to do business with has not diminished one iota over the years. Hopefully: the subscribers to the AudiogoN forums will not be as simple minded as those of others as to play into the pettiness of one off-balance individual. I WILL NOT, nor will I respond to any diatribes. Happy listening!
A plant? I've made many posts here over the years, if I'm "planting" for TacT, I must be doing the same for McCormack, Belles, TAD, Vandersteen, etc.

I was only posting, what for me, was excellent customer service from a company who's product I'm very happy with.
I thought I'd throw in my 3 months of BS from the great BOZo. I bought a used 2.2[built in 1998] on eBay. It came with the mic and software disk which I loaded on my computer running Windows XP Pro and everything was fine for awhile, then once in awhile the sub output would just thump or humm. I would shut it off & on and it would work until one day the sub-out just stopped all together. Then I tried to reprogram the unit in a hope that might bring back the sub but it would get all the way to the end and have an error. I called Boz and explained what had happened and he said I should just buy a new one. At that time the unit was less than 9 years old!!!! This unit was $8000.00 new and considered a throw away by the manufacturer in just a short amount of time. I have 30+ year old tube amps that work great still. I expressed how pissed off the "buy a new one" advice made me and he said send it to them and they would take a look at it, so I did. After 1 month I emailed BOZo and asked if there was any progress. He said no and he can't even get the DSP chips anymore but would try and test the unit, which he hadn't at that point. Another month goes by and I emailed him again a little more agitated at this point. Boz wrote back and said he doesn't know how to even test the unit as they don't even have a computer that can run the software anymore. I told him it runs fine on XP Pro as he didn't even know that. The 3rd month I emailed him telling him to send the unit back and I would put it on AGON as a digital preamp and unusable and unrepairable as a correction device. when I got the unit back after more than 3 months it looked like it was never even opened. I did like the way it sounded while it worked and am hoping to find someone to fix it but I would never buy a disposable Tact again and have given that advice to my friends but they didn't need me to tell them anything once they read BOZo's emails to me. Good luck with that crap in a year or two. I know I won't get bit twice by the same mutt.