T+A elektroakustik HV Series Components

T+A stands for Theory and Application.

I'm keeping this broad and open to T+A's HV Series components (HV = High Voltage),

Which (currently) includes two integrated amplifiers, two multi-source players, preamplifier, amplifier, power supply, and SACD/CDP/DAC.

Creating this thread for owners to share their impressions, findings, thoughts, experiences, and questions about their HV components. Comparisons to other T+A Series products are also welcome.

Showing 1 response by musicfx

I first bought the T+A 2500R integrated to use with my Wilson Audio Sasha’s. Worked well. That amp was flawless. I then decided I wanted to upgrade so I bought the T+A 3000HV integrated. I liked the amp so much, I changed my speakers to Wilson Audio Alexia’s. I also bought the T+A MP3100HV Music Player. The two work really well together. I use all High Fidelity Cables and their MC-6 power conditioner, I use Symposium Acoustics platforms with their Rollerblocks 2+. My rack is from Core Audio Design. I am very happy with all. It is not often I hear a system I like better than this. I have no regrets on buying the T+A integrated & music player.