System psychology, or just psyched out?

After reading through these forums a bit, listening to what some people have to say about their systems and given my own experience, I have noticed something of a pattern:
People generally like their systems.

Now my question would be is this for psychological reasons, or purely objective?

What I mean is, after we buy something and own it we usually become comfortable and accepting of it which may affect our judgement of it. We become accustomed to and familiar to our systems, and regard it dearly and would not wish to part with it... We have a pride of ownership.

For example, I met a guy in the hi-fi shop who said he loved his Totem Mani-II speakers, but that when he first heard them he wasn't really overly impressed by them, they were simply the best he could afford. But now, he loves them and is completely satisfied with their sound. I know that speakers need to be broken in and played in your usual listening environment for a satisfactory audition, but I also think that other psychological factors like pride of ownership, familiarity and comfort with the product, etcetera, play a role in the level of enjoyment and opinion of the sound.

Now don't mock me here, but my RCA home theater in a box system along with my Bose Acoustic Wave music System(you know, the big stereo box) gives me great enjoyment when listening to music. Playing CD's from my cheap $40 Cyberhome DVD player, the sound has good, not great soundstaging and depth along with decent, good stereo imaging. Also the sound is pretty clear, certainly not the best earth challenging sonics, but still nice. I actually think my system costing just over 300 bucks, 1500 if you count the Bose, which I guess you must although I got it for free from my uncle, he owns a pawn shop, sounds better than the 20, 50, 80, 100 thousand dollar rigs I hear at Audio Lab, my Hi-end shop. Don't get me wrong, I know there's better sound out there, and I want to upgrade which is why I go there(Audio Lab), but I do enjoy my modest setup immensely.

So what's the deal? You think if people heard their own system blindfolded they would be so thrilled, or does the fact that they own it influence their views... and ears?

Oh well, just a thought I had about systems and speakers, what about you?

Showing 1 response by chadnliz

You had me thinking right up to where you said you heard 20,30...up $100K systems that yours beats. :)

My brother has almost same stuff as you and he loves it, while my dad and I scoff about how it sounds in a way I admire him for being able to enjoy music without the money, effort, space, and trial and error that we have went through, but I also feel sorry for him because boy does it sound like ....well you know.
The Blindfold wont fly around here, many buy with their eyes and will never allow themselves to be taken in by anything cheap or mass market, mentally they are hung up on what they feel hi-end should be. Most times that gear doesnt compete so it rarely is an issue and Ofcourse there is pride of ownership, what would be the point of all this if we had no passion for getting the sound we want and enjoying the equipment?
I can remember much cheaper and simpler systems I had that I think I enjoyed more from time to time, maybe it was the simpler time in life, youth, pride in what you could afford but there are times I miss that old gear and the way it gave me such pleasure.
In closing I hope part of you never looses that enjoyment of music that doesnt cost an arm or a leg and that upgraditis never hits you...but you are sticking your feet in the water here, and if you like it you may just jump in head first, when that happens god help you!