Syrinx and Linn Basik Plus tonearms?

I've just bought an old Linn LP12 with a Syrinx tonearm about which I know nothing. If you have any knowledge of these I would be grateful for your input. Also, I've been using an AR ES-1 with a Linn Basik Plus tonearm, but have never compared this with any other tonearms. Any thoughts on the Basik Plus?
Which Syrinx arm that you are using, PU 2 or PU 3 ?
Are you satisfy with the result either on the Linn or the AR ?
I remember the Syrinx arm. It was great in the mid 80's. It is a very analytical and dynamic arm. Candidly it was better than the Ittok, Linn's high end arm. Use the Syrinx. I am sure it is a lot better than Linn Basic Plus.
My guess is that if you can mount the Syrinx on the AR, it will better the Linn regardles of which arm you use on it. Sorry Linnies, but if anybody bothered to set up an AR as carefully as Linns are treated, the AR would be much more respected.