synergy w/ Spendor SP100

Thinking about tring tubes (amp) with my SP100'S,probably an integated, due to limited budget.Please give some ideas and or examples of tubed gear you have used that you thought sounded good together.Also, please include related gear (cables, source, etc...)I listen mostly to acoustic,folk,jazz,and rock. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and feedback!

Showing 1 response by greggb

I've had the SP100's for a few years now and have used them with a Jolida JD-302B amp, Audio Research CA50 integrated amp, and a YBA Integre Passion.

My thoughts regarding your question:

1. I would strongly not recommend the Jolida.
2. I was very satisfified with the Audio Research/SP100 combination.
3. Overall the YBA amp does the best and would highly recommend it. Sorry that this does not meet your tube criteria.
4. P.S. I still have the Audio Research CA50 (i.e., I think that it is an excellent amp), but generally believe the YBA works better with the SP100's.

Hope this helps.