Power Amp Synergy with Primaluna Prologue 3 Tube Preamp

Hi all,

I recently picked up a Primaluna Prolgue 3 Tube Preamp and am looking to pick up a Power Amplifier to accompany it. I am currently using my Arcam FMJ A28 Integrated as a power amp for the Primaluna. I only use 2-channel stereo for listening to music (Vinyl and CD). My other components are are as follows: Vintage Technics SL-1800 with a Grado Reference Platinum (wood body) Cartridge, Onkyo C-7030 CD Player, and Wharfedale Diamond 225 Bookshelf Speakers.  

Unless using the Arcam for power does the trick, I am looking for synergistic power amp recommendations for my current system . For something new, I'm looking to spend no more than $1,500. I am also open to explore used power amps in the same price range.


Thanks in advance!

FWIW, I liked the Prima Luna Prologue amps with this unit.  Other amps, not so much. I think there is a good synergy here.  You can find the 4 or five fairly cheap. One of the issues to consider is the output impedence of the pre-amp is fairly high and potentially not the best match for a solid state amp.