Synergistic Research Power Cell One

Does anyone have any experience with this new product? Tried one or heard it as a demo ?

Its been suggested to me as part of a package purchase with an interconnect trade up. This allows me to get the sale price and increase the value of my SR trade-in if I buy before end of this month.  Nice deal but still not pocket change. 

Thanks in advance for any information available.  Jerry

Haven't heard that particular one, but all the Synergistic that I have heard (and that is a lot!) carries their signature sound (big, bold, deep, and detailed) in evenly impressive across the board increments as you go up the line in price. Power cords, interconnects, speaker cables, fuses, ECT, PHT, all of it. They also have a pretty good trade-in policy, which is how I was able to afford my Euphoria Level 3 interconnect. Not cheap but worth it.

Hopefully someone here has actually heard it. But then you still have the problem of can you trust their ears? Which is what I came across when researching mine. Ultimately, unless you can hear it yourself you're right back where you started, wondering if its really worth it. Well if you've got enough SR to be trading in, and you're already looking at trading for more SR, then you probably already know the answer to that one.
I am considering  trading my SR Design Referenece V.1 for the Euphoria XLR and getting a $1400. credit thru the Passport program for the cable I paid $2000. for 20 years ago, not a bad deal.

In talking to the rep about just buying some power conditioning vs. the Euphoria he said the Euphoria alone would be the best choice if I wanted to control the cost.
My Ayre Dac has its only "ayre conditiong" and is connected to power with an SR version 1 Design power cord so an 8 bank power cell is kind of overkill for the just the preamp.

He then suggested if I added the power cell ONE to my ML 380S pre- amp I would get a nice additional POP .  He would sell me the PC One for $750.( w/o the free addt'l power cord) I would pick up some more credit against the SR Design 1 if buying both at same time.

Difference between the 2 "packages" is $700. net to me.

Since my amps ( mono)  are in my basement, t get power cells for everything would mean buying 3 power cells and that is just too much to spend right now.

Your thoughts?