synergistic research orange blue fuse direction.

Hi, I have two 611s, one 302 and one 452 McIntosh amps, and I just purchased three Synergistic Research (SR) Orange fuses. I also received one SR Blue fuse free with the purchase of the SR blue receptacle. Would someone advise me with some specificity on the directional installation of the Blue and Orange fuse. Again all the amps are McIntosh.


Showing 2 responses by lalitk


Please excuse georgehifi post. For whatever reason, the fuse threads interferes with George’s ability to make any intelligent dialogue. Boutique fuses are poor Georgie’s kryptonite 😎

Back to your question, insert one fuse at a time. Then start listening to the music. Swap direction of the fuse and listen again, keep the direction that sounds best to your ears.
I am sure another MAC user with SR fuses will chime in. Unfortunately, none of the fuses I know of comes with instructions. IME, one direction will sound more detailed.