Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ

I heard this tweak at RMAF and brought it home on a 30-day free trial. Unfortunately it turned out to be a real system killer. I had 20 of the HFTs and tried them with and without the FEQ, using a ladder to put them up and take them down repeatedly. I couldn't believe how awful it was. Made it hard to enjoy my otherwise excellent ~$45k system.

I had a similar experience with their Quantum fuse. Never did trust anything with "Quantum" in the title. HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses, on the other hand, made my amps sound significantly better.

Showing 2 responses by augwest

I'm amazed anyone with a good system likes these things. They ruined my system - degraded the imaging and sucked the life right out of the music. Truly the most awful tweak I've ever had the displeasure to endure.
Same here - I gave the products a fair chance and they did not perform as advertised. The situation would be vastly different if they had been honest, for instance by telling me that the tweak would change the sound of my system and I might or might not like the result, especially when I asked the lead designer that question straight up a couple of different ways ("Is there a trade-off?" and "Could it possibly degrade the sound or imaging?") I was assured that there was no trade-off, and that sonic degradation was impossible. Both statements proved to be untrue. As it is, I will be highly skeptical of any and all Synergistic Research products going forward.