Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 20 responses by mapman

Which leads to a second observation, really a question: mapman, having come to your conclusion, why didn’t you move on?

My results may or may not reflect those of others.

Do yours?

My mind is still open to learn.

Is yours?

Atmasphere Almarg and perhaps some other respected EEs here have weighed in.     I’d offer an invitation for more EEs that might be out there to weigh in as well.

" Knowledge is a deadly friend
If no one sets the rules. "

FWIW there is a thread here on Class D amplifiers that Glofi and I had it out on a bit recently. The difference is there the discussion remained focused on the topic at hand and there is plenty of information out there to support various positions so it all proceeded relatively peacefully and informatively. There was little or no personal attacks or name calling as I recall. Relatively civil in the end at least which is how things should be.

highstream how about this. I’ll make you happy and leave if everyone else who has listened and formed an opinion does too.

Thing is if I let others chase me off, then those remaining get to further their claim (which has been made) that what is said here must always be true because most or all people here say so.

Attempts to banish opposing views kinda always work out that way. Happens everyday all over the internet in particular with some very important issues that really matter much more than this little obsession of ours..

You should really just stand firm in your beliefs and consider resisting the urge to banish people for their opinions. It could well happen to you someday.

GK you are a talking (walking I assume as well) advertisement for whatever sedation of choice others might choose.   Doesn't matter though since OP is footing the bill.
I have 1st 50 cd MLP box set and all ripped at original resolution to music server.   It's a wonderful sounding set with top notch sound quality overall.  The sound quality  MLP is renowned for is there in spades.  Gk once again is spouting nonsense. 

GK if you truly think that about the MLP Cds (I doubt the sincerity of most everything you say) then you may have gotten some bad copies (I have almost 100 and none are bad) or else you may need to check out your Walkman for issues.

All releases are somewhat different of course but MLP is consistently excellent and the best ones are among the best commercial recordings out there period.

What do you not understand about top notch?

Your OCD is getting the best of you again.

You and your alternate facts. I suspect you are pretty lonely in this particular stance oh great seer!

I will agree anything can be better. Let's all work on that one.
Gk if you are truly listening to MLP recordings on a walkman and headphones, I can pretty much assure you are missing something. That might explain your opinions on MLP. I’m trying to help you out here..... :^)
Wow your logic is impeccable! You need to work on your facts though.

Let me search for my audiophile membership card so I can turn it in.....
It’s kind of pointless to argue further on the subject of SQ and Mercury LPs or CDs as there are perfectly good reasons why you hear things as you describe, it doesn’t mean what I said is wrong.

There are tons of MLP release reviews out on the web. Hello? Its no secret these things typically sound great. Unlike funky fuses.

I know. I know. Still does not mean you are wrong. You're just a little different. Of course we all know that as well. Nothing wrong with that.   Me too I suppose.   Except I agree with the masses regarding sound quality of MLP.
Thoughts and prayers out for Frank.   Looking forward to the return of his jovial self.
Thanks guys.  Been taking a break from these parts but all  is well.      Papa, good to hear from you.   Maybe with the new ticker you'll be able to hear fuses even better now?  :^)

Al you are probaby aware one can do their own digital mastering at home quite effectively and  for free with a tool like Audacity. I use Audacity these days to digitally remaster all my audio files I convert from vinyl or tape.  Some ripped from CD as well.   Mostly I do click removal with vinyl source and data normalization in general for better dynamics but targeted noise removal is possible as well.

Results are clear and distinct. Need not be a fuse lover to hear them.
Hey it comes in a very nice box and I'm sure only the finest bees are recruited.