Synergistic R Hologram D powercord

I play a Wadia 861Se with a Tesla T3 powercord.
Audinet Pre G2 also T3
Audionet Mono's T3UHC
Interconnects are Stealth Indra( Wadia-pre) - SR Ac. Ref. ( pre-mono's)
Speaker cable is SR Ac. Ref. with the Galileo speaker Cells.
All SR cables powered by the Galileo MPC.

I am thinking about an upgrade for the Wadia to the SR Hologram D.
Anyone can tell me if it's worth the extra money?
What can I expect in compare with the T3 ?

Showing 3 responses by audiofeil

>>09-04-10: Glory
Get rid of the Stealth Indra and become a SR full breed<<

That's really a dumb statement and illustrates a complete lack of experience regarding cable/system synergy.

Wires are listener and system dependent. Period.

There is no universal better or best only what the owner prefers.
"Over and out"?

Don't go away now, the fun is just getting started.

Gloria, nobody likes a quitter.