Synergistic PHT... any other PHT heads here?

I ordered the black widow/ green dream pack. I’ve been playing with black widow. Yea the pht is phuckin cool 😎
I’m listening to Stan Getz and it’s like he’s about 6 ft in front of me... it’s strange I can’t feel the air coming out of his horn. Like, it’s so real but I’m staring off into nothing and it’s not coming from a speaker. It’s like Getz just materialized in the middle of my living room. I haven’t tried the green dream. Anyone else using these, any using more than one? Where are you placing them? Mines on the front of my cartridge like a rhino horn sticking out into the room, it’s not on top like in the literature... my setup wouldn’t allow it. 

Showing 4 responses by andrewkelley

@millercarboni just put the green dream on with the widow. It’s pretty insane. I’m listening to the David Grisman Quintet and they are all over my room. Eyes closed and your there. I love these little tweaks. I’m contemplating a fancy table mat. I have really good isolation for my table but my mat is cheap sandwich cork air mat from PATHE wings. 
@millercarbon ok I’m hooked, what should be my next step. I have chemical treatments from @whostolethebatmobile on my cables and chassis already, so probably not ECT. But what kind of hft’s should I get. 
I’m on a budget so step by step 
@millercarbon do you also put the black in the head shell  and the green dream on the arm?