Allow me to break the silence.
I finished placing some DIY Transducers named "Ossinators" here on the forum in an other thread.
Here is how I placed them:
Ceiling: One in the middle of the listening room and each one in the middle above the ML speakers. - in all 3
Front wall: each two on the front wall between the speakers, 6 inches from the inner speaker edges plus each two exactly above 6 feet from the floor. Another in the middle between the speakers 2 inches below the ceiling and the last one also in the middle between the speakers 2 inches above the floor. - in all 6
Side Walls: each 3 two inches down from the ceiling - each one in the front corner, next each one at listening level and each one in the rear corner (behind the listening level). Finally each one in the lower from corners 2 inches above the floor. - in all 2x4
Rear wall: one in the middle above the listening position, 2 inches below the ceiling. - in all 1
On the speakers: One at the back a bit above the middle, one on the top panel frame (middle) each one inner side and outer side on the panel frame - the inner ones at listening height and the outer ones 1 - 1,5 feet higher. - in all 4
All together 22 small "buttons" distributed as explained above.
Audible result: The sweet spot got a bit bigger, not as much as I hoped for. The instruments are far better distributed and better pinpointed. The bass is firmer.
All in all the sound stage is tidier and more holographic and far more pleasant to listen to.
I hope this my small report attracts your attention and animates you to share your experiences.
Thank you.