Switch to silver for a treble boost?

I like my (budget) system, but I find it doesn't quite have the treble sparkle and 'air' I'd like.

I have the opportunity to buy a pair of 2.5 meter silver core speaker cables for less than $100 (hand soldered terminations, German surgical-grade silver multicore conductors), and was wondering what people's thoughts were on the subject: is it worth switching from my current heavy copper to silver add a bit of treble sparkle?

Showing 5 responses by knownothing


I agree it wouldn't hurt to try this. Running silver wire all the way from your source to your speakers would have the greatest impact on sound. Signal Cable makes the cheapest all silver interconnects I know of http://signalcable.com/.

Secondly, does you amplifier have a jumper on the back between the pre and power amplifiers? Like a little metal U-shaped bar connecting RCA out and in? I replaced this metal bar on my amp with silver jumpers and it made a noticeable improvement in the resolution and air in the upper registers. Here are a couple of options:


I have also heard that Signal Cable will make you some out of their Silver Resolution wire http://signalcable.com/

Finally, I have the same CD player as you (from previous thread). I was experimenting with different platforms and supports underneath it and found that placing it on a heavy wooden chopping block on the shelf in my stereo cabinet really improved the sound quality and cleaned up any sibilance or digital nasties that might creep in occasionally. Also, I tried using small 3/4" hardwood blocks directly under the chassis and on top of the chopping block to support the player instead of the stock feet and found that the resolution took another jump forward and the sound became more tipped up towards the treble. I actually decided I liked the sound with the stock feet directly on the large chopping block best for my taste, but this is another cheap trick to tip the sound in favor of the higher octaves.

What Speakers would you advise somebody to look at if they wanted greater emphasis on the upper registers and to add "treble sparkle and 'air'"? Focal? Monitor Audio? Something else with a metal tweeter? Maybe something with a ribbon tweeter like a Dali? Did you have something specific in mind?
Douglas, thanks for the info.

Carl, try the Caesarstone. There are two purposes I think for the platform:

1. to increase the mass of the CDP and it's shelf in general to dampen outside vibration, and

2. to absorb high frequency vibration from the player and dissipate it in the structure of the platform.

I would predict that stone would do the first thing as well as or better than wood. I would think that wood and stone would do the second thing very differently, and you would have to try both of them to see which you like better. My prediction is that stone would have a brighter sound signature than a wood platform. Good luck with your experimenting.
Carl109, you might also try something with a Teflon dielectric (e.g. Kimber 4TC or 8TC) or no dielectric at all like Anti-Cables.

The way you describe the effect that silver wires had in your system is perhaps consistent with my experience in hindsight. I was incorrectly attributing increased focus and resolution in the higher registers with adding sizzle and "sparkle". For me, more resolution is good, while more "sparkle" is only good if is also balanced with the rest of the spectrum, accurate, and doesn't come at the expense of added sibilance.

Ultimately, a change in gear to equipment that favors the upper registers may be in order for you. Focal, Totem or some other speakers with a bright finish may be the ticket. The English love their mid range, and B&W 600 speaker line, while not as mid range heavy as some, are not as hot up top as some others either.