Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube - I Want It!!!

At the NY Audio Show this past weekend, I got to see and hear the demo of the Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube.  This PC-based stand alone unit is amazing.  Here is what it does:

1.  De-clicks vinyl - and does so completely transparently, and is user-adjustable (more or less filtering of clicks and pops). 

2.  Digitizes vinyl - MP3 through 24/192 resolution.

3.  Locates metadata for LPs being played/digitized, including cover art

4.  Inserts track divisions based on the metadata (wow!).

5.  Compensates for non-RIAA recordings

6.  Plug in apps will do even more, like reducing groove noise.

It inserts in a line-level loop or between your phono preamp and preamp.  It has digital (S/PDIF and USB) outputs as well as analog outputs.

Projected retail is $2500, and they plan a kickstarter campaign soon.

If you spend time digitizing vinyl, this thing is nothing short of a miracle.  I want one so badly I can taste it.

(I am not associated with Sweet Vinyl in any way.)

I am a beta tester for the SC-1. The build is excellent, the click/pop removal is excellent. Customer service from Dan Eakins and the rest of the Sugarcube team is excellent. I have given them a few suggestions and they seem open to incorporating them into the system.
I continue to be highly impressed by the dedication of the folks at Sweetvinyl to getting as close to perfection as possible with their products.  I reported what a few of the golden ears heard as differences in the processed vs. non-processed sound of the SC-2.  I got a reply the same day that one of the developers of the Sugarcube is working on changes to the D-A coding that might remedy what these few people are hearing.  They can't hear it, I can't hear it, but knowing some people are hearing it was enough for them to put some serious effort into fixing it.
Bondmanp, I'm a regular production customer, and am wondering how to identify the email used by my Android. I have several email accounts for different purposes. Two accounts are Gmail, but my recovery account isn't. Can you help me determine which they need? I asked Dan, but he doesn't seem to know how to find his own. Thanks!
coryl - Welcome to the club!  I am not much of a techie, but if you have the Play Store app on your Android, you used a gmail address to set it up.  That's the email address you should use.  I hope this helps.
I see the SC-2 is now selling thru Musicdirect for $2900.  As my interest is digitizing my LP's, does anybody here know  when the track splitting is available?   I don't see anything on it in the Musicdirect description.