
Hi folks!

Hope everyone is doing well.

I just got my Swarm Distributed Subwoofer Array from AudioKinesis hooked up.


Pre Swarm setup:

Office (10 x 14 minus closets):

Amp: Hegel H190 integrated, Bryston P26 preamp, Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition monoblock amps
Speakers: KEF LS 50 non wireless, Ologe 5, Magnepan LRS

So two subs arrived yesterday (Saturday).

With two subs and the Dayton amp, I first hooked up one sub in various positions on the floor.

Listened to a variety of music.
Played around with the gain.
After four crawls and two more "just to confirm" crawls, I located and left Sub 1.

I’m still a newbie here so apologies in advance if the proper terminology escapes me when I try to describe all the ways everything (not just the bass) just sounds a lot better.

While it sounded better than three other subs I tried, the bass got less clear soon after the gain was up enough to hear the sub and especially when I moved around the room.

Now, with Sub 1 optimally (for now) placed, Sub 2 took the rest of the evening.

Sub 2 is ceiling facing (3" clearance from the ceiling) on a long shelf behind the listening position.
Spent a few hours sliding it left and right, flipping it over to fire the port in the opposite direction, etc.

Flipped it three times.
My back was starting to complain when I first got it up on the shelf. These things are heavy and awkward to remove from a high shelf when flipping over, not to mention the heart stopping, lose balance or grip on the sub, close call moments!

Decided to leave it in the corner where the shelf meets the right wall with the port facing the corner and wait for the other subs.

The improvement, though not significant, was more than noticeable at my listening position.
The improvement started to get significant when I rolled my chair around the room or got up and walked around.

Things sounded pretty good in more areas of the room.
I heard more quality out of the newly added quantity of bass.

The other two subs arrived today.

Duke at AudioKinesis suggested varying the heights of the ceiling facing sub(s) if possible as this will affect the vertical plane.


Subs 3 and 4 are also ceiling facing with a 6" clearance located in the left and right front corners of the room.
They are perched on steel wire shelving units allowing for one inch height increments. The added storage space with the shelves is a huge bonus!

Turned the music back on a little while ago.

What a mind blowing experience!
While the LRS made the room seem bigger, with all four subs firing, the Swarm seemed to add body, intensity and dynamics to the "bigger room".  Just about anywhere in the room.

I can raise the gain much higher and actually enjoy the clarity and evenness in the added bass.
Bass is not lost at low volumes. I can actually hear more details in the bass without needing to raise the volume.

Absolutely love the LRS! Thought the bass was pretty good. Didn’t hit like the LS 50s but seemed more than adequate.
But after a satisfactory gain setting and listening with the Swarm added, I got up and turned the gain all the way down and listened to just the LRS.
The Swarm added such a high quality and intense "kick" to the low end that just went away.

This got me out of my chair again to bring the gain back up.
A remote for the Dayton sure would be great!

I just can’t imagine listening to my system without this really cool subwoofer solution!

Limited to a small room?

Yes, there are four sizeable subs and an additional amp to place.
I thought there was no way that would work in such a small 10’ x 14’room.

Why four subs?
For anyone not familiar with the Distributed Bass Array concept, search through these threads.
There are numerous postings on this by some really knowledgeable people. (millercarbon and noble100, especially)

With three of the subs up high, the fourth sub is the only additional piece taking up floor space.

It’s been only about 2 hours listening with the Swarm in place.
With just the first sub placed via crawling and the other three just put in place, everything sounds like my system had a major upgrade!

It’s actually quite shocking! Seriously.

Excited to experiment with the subwoofer heights, different amps and also with the LS 50s and Ologe 5s.

Kodus to Duke at AudioKinesis for building such an effective, simple and flexible subwoofer solution!

These things actually look pretty cool too! Zero WAF issues!

Stay safe and healthy everyone!


Showing 14 responses by noble100

Hello Hans/hleeid,

     Congratulations and welcome to the 4-sub DBA club!  The AK Swarm and 4-sub DBA concept works so incredibly well that it almost seems like magic, especially how it works in virtually any room and with any pair of main speakers.      Of course it’s actually the opposite of magic, since the whole concept is based on physics, scientifically proven acoustic principles and has been consistently empirically validated.  Anecdotally, I had never heard of an instance of the 4-sub Swarm or custom DBA system not working in a room or system until the owner of Audio Kinesis, Duke Lejeune, stated he had encountered a couple of rooms in which the system initially did not work successfully..  But he stated he was able to make both of these systems function properly after specific minor adjustments.
     Your room was a good test of the concept since your room had insufficient floor space to accommodate the 4 relatively small Swarm subs.  But Duke was even able to make the concept work in your floor space challenged room by suggesting you raise 3 of the 4 subs well above the floor,
      Kudos to Duke for knowing of and suggesting such a unique and effective solution.  And kudos to you, Hans, for having the good sense to research the concept and having the curiosity as well as the spirit of adventure to give it a try.      Your reactions to how amazingly well this concept works reminds me of my own reactions when I first experienced the bass results and seamless integration with my main speakers in my room over 5 years ago; a combination of disbelief, relief, excitement and audio bliss.  Very satisfying and I can attest that these feelings are enduring.

     As to the questions concerning bass traps and room treatments, I initially had none in my room and just recently installed Stacked GiK bass traps (called TriTraps) in all 4 corners as well as a balance of GIK absorption and diffusion panels scattered about my room.  With the added room treatments and bass traps, my perceptions are that the bass sounds equally as excellent but the midrange, treble and imaging sounding more detailed while at the same time sounding more relaxed, realistic and natural.  My opinion is that the 4-sub DBA concept’s bass response will not be negatively affected by the use of bass traps or room treatments in my room, ymmv.

Congrats and enjoy,
Hello Ozzy,

      I’m still waiting for your invite to movie night, sir!

     You know what they say about subs;  ....4 subs sound and perform about twice as well as 2 subs and 8 subs are, as they say, good grounds for divorce.       You’ve created the best, and likely most expensive, implementation of the DBA concept that I’m yet aware of.

Hello mizike,

     I would read your Rhythmik F12 manual to see if they have a method to connect multiple F12 subs together.  The better sub companies, like Rhythmik, already understand the benefits of multiple subs in a room and have incorporated methods to hook up a single sub and then piggy-back more of their subs off of the first sub, usually at least up to 4 subs total.  The first sub’s settings, for volume, crossover frequency and phase, typically control all attached subs.  The left and right channel bass are usually summed to mono in the first sub and all subs are thus outputting mono bass as a group.  This is optimum for best results but, don’t worry, you’ll perceive the bass in stereo once your main speakers are hooked up.

Hello lemonhaze,

    You’re correct, that silver unit atop the Oppo is a Lumin D2 dac/streamer.  The black box to the right of the Oppo is a 20 TB Synology hard drive storage unit I use with it along with an IPad, running the Lumin app as the GUI and remote.
     When I walked into a local dealer, I was originally intending to buy a Bluenote but, after demoing both on a Levinson 5805 integrated and Magico A3 speakers, I definitely thought the Lumin’s GUI and sound quality were better.  The Lumin’s a bit more money but l thought it was worth it. it’s been a really good addition to my system.

Hello Hans/hleeid,

     I’m really glad you, with Duke’s assistance, were able to implement the AK Swarm system in your small room and that you’re enjoying its performance so much.  I was so stunned by the excellent bass produced in my room when I Initially installed my 4-sub DBA system that I felt a responsibility to spread the word about how well this concept actually works in practice.
     I’ve always found it difficult, however, to accurately describe how amazingly well the DBA concept actually works without sounding like I’m exaggerating, a shill with a hidden agenda or a fan boy who just polished off the entire contents of the DBA Kool-aid punchbowl.  I agree with you that just a single DBA demo would be sufficient fo convince most individuals of its remarkable effectiveness.  The reality is that it does sound too good to be true, no pun intended.
     I believe the biggest obstacle to more widespread use of the 4-sub DBA concept is that there seems to be very few audio shops that offer demos of it.  In my experience, I’ve never heard, or heard of, a single demo and we both know it just takes a brief demo to be convinced.       The only other method of experiencing the DBA is by learning of it and then taking the initiative, and having the good sense, to try one out in your own room and system.  Apparently, neither of these methods being very common explains the lack of usage and enjoyment.
     I’m also glad you tried out the different configurations I suggested.  I only have experience using 1-4 subs on the floor in my room.  I’ve learned that placing subs in corners provides more bass but that keeping them a couple feet away from corners provides the highest quality bass without sacrificing too much bass quantity, power and dynamic impact.
     However, I have no experience positioning subs on the vertical plane.  So, the positioning experiments I suggested were just based on my limited knowledge, experience locating subs on the floor and reasoning.  I’m glad you took the time to try them out and found some further improvements.  Very interesting.


Hello lemonhaze,

     You’re probably right.  But the DBA is so good,imho, one audition on music or HT would likely convince most to buy.  I know there’s a lot of reluctance to using subs in one’s system for some silly reason, but I believe most on this site would want one if they ever demoed one. But it’s very hard to Find a shop that offers them.I think a lot of members may never know what they’re missing.

mac742:”Just in case anyone wants a good deal on the part-express (Dayton) SA-1000 power amp that Audiokinesis supplies with the Swarm is on sale for $374 bucks - the sale ends on April 30, so jump if ya want one at parts-express.com. Regular price is $549.”

The Dayton SA-1000 amp control unit was also included with my Audio Kinesis Debra 4-sub DBA System. I think this amp is a good performer whether you’re using an AK Swarm/Debra 4-sub DBA system or creating your own custom DBA using 4 spassive subs of your choice.
The SA-1000 has plenty of power at 1,000 watts, has the required 3 controls for volume, crossover frequency and continuously variable phase and it is a class AB amp rather than a class D amp which I believe reproduces bass more realistically and naturally.
I’ve never read other members discussing the differences they perceive between subs powered by class AB vs class D amps but, based on my experiences, I do notice differences. Prior to purchasing my AK Debra 4-sub DBA, I tried using numerous pairs of good quality self-amplified subs all powered by class D plate amps In my room and system. Right away I noticed that 2 subs performed and sounded much better than a single sub and integrated more seamlessly with my fast and very detailed Magnepan Main speakers. The bass was very powerful, dynamic, detailed, smooth, fast ad very taut and tight. Overall, I enjoyed it very much.
With the installation of the AK Debra 4-sub DBA, all the bass quality improvements I noticed with the use of 2 self-class D amplified subs were even further enhanced with the exception that most of the bass tautness and tightness was gone. Initially I missed this bass tautness and tightness but, the more I listened to the 4-sub DBA, the more I realized that the class D amplified subs were adding this quality to the bass. After listening to several music tracks of different genres, I determined that the Dayton SA-1000 powered subs sounded more natural to me, especially when I focused on bass note decays. The decays through the class D amps sound truncated in comparison to the naturally diminishing decays through the Dayton SA-1000 class AB amp.      My theory is that the differences can be explained by the different Damping Factors of class AB amps, typically in the 100-400 range, and class D amps, typically well over 600 and often over 1000. The higher an amplifier’s damping factor, the greater control it has over starting and stopping a woofer’s movement.


“Tim, the Mini DSP looks interesting, everything I see shows coming off an AVR LFE out. I use a two channel pre amp. My system is for two channel music only. Do you own this product for further questions on use?“

mizike and luisma31,

     No, I don’t use a miniDSP or a iTube2, I just connect my preamp’s stereo left/right outputs and Blu-ray player’s mono LFE output to the Dayton sub amp/control unit which enables auto switching between the 4-sub DBA for music or HT.   I  run all 4 of my subs in mono because there’s no such thing as stereo imaging with deep bass below 80 Hz. Plus there’s virtually no recorded music with discrete bass channels below 100 Hz, anyways.      Duke of Audio Kinesis also stated that some Swarm users use 2 Dayton amps and enjoy the effects of running a pair of subs on the right side of the room 90 degrees out of phase from the other pair on the left side of the room. I forgot what the effect is but I don’t bother with this either.
Hello mizike,

RCA cables are only utilized to connect line-level outputs from other components to the Swarm’s Dayton SA1000 sub amp’s line-level Left/Right and LEF inputs. Single lines of speaker wire are utilized to connect all four subs to the Dayton sub amp’s two sets (A and B) of pos./neg. speaker-level output terminals in a series/parallel configuration.
Series/parallel configuration consists of a single speaker wire from the sub amp’s A pos. output terminal to sub#1’s pos input terminal, a single speaker wire from the sub amp’s A neg. output terminal to sub#2’s neg. input terminal and a third single speaker wire from sub#2’s pos, input terminal to sub#1’s neg. input terminal to complete the series/parallel circuit for subs #1 and #2.      Subs #3 and #4 are also connected in series/parallel configuration to the sub amp’s B pos.and neg. output terminals in the same manner. Any signal loss caused by long speaker wire runs are compensated for through increasing the Dayton sub amp’s volume/level control.      Series/parallel hookup also allows the Dayton amp to be under an overall single 4 ohm load, even though each of the individual 10” subs are rated at 4 ohms, and therefore the amp is able to output a total of 1,000 watts to power them.      The overall result in my system and room is mono bass from 4 relatively small subs at 12”x14.5”x28” and 40 pounds, that Is sufficiently fast, smooth and detailed to blend seamlessly with my very fast, smooth and detailed Magnepan 3.7i main speakers. At the same time, the total bass output is capable of being as deep, powerful and dynamic as the source material calls for, down to 20 Hz +/- 3 db and at an output SPL of up to 115 db.
     The 4-sub DBA concept has proven to be an excellent complement to my main speakers, since it provides the high quality, powerful and dynamic bass below about 35 Hz that my main speakers, having a rated bass extension of 35 Hz, are not capable of providing.      I also realize that my main speakers having a bass extension of only 35 Hz is actually a blessing in disguise. This is because I’m certain that having 4 independently positioned subs in a distributed bass array in my room results in superior bass quality performance than 2 bass transducers, being restricted to being positioned in the same relative room position and panel as my main speakers’ other transducers, would be capable of producing, even if they were planar-dynamic dipole panels with bass extension down to 20 Hz +/- 3 db and capable of doing so at a 115 db SPL


Hello benzman,
      I'm actually an Audi man, but regardless, I wholeheartedly welcome you to the DBA club!  Enjoy.
Hello jtcf,
     Thanks for the shout out but I've always felt I had no choice but to spread the word on the DBA, to my fellow A/V enthusiasts and music lovers, ever since I first experienced how incredibly well it actually performs.


      Yes, the Dayton is not operating correctly if there's a thump, buzz or hum.  With my AK Debra, I found the overall bass sounded boosted if any of the subs were positioned within about 2 feet of a corner.  It won't harm anything even if you put a sub in each corner.  I just prefer my bass powerful, dynamic, smooth, fast, accurate, detailed and natural without overemphasis.
     I tried wiring 1 of the subs in reverse polarity as the procedures suggest, one at a time, but without noticing a positive effect.  I run all of mine in-phase and ported.  My goal was to set the level and crossover frequency both as low as possible with the bass still sounding powerful, smooth, detailed and natural to me. My main speakers only have a rated bass extension of 35 Hz so I run them full range with the Dayton's level set at about 11:00 (slightly below half volume) and the crossover set at 40 Hz.
     This results in the deep bass being perceived as seamlessly blended or integrated with my main speakers but the bass is still very powerful, dynamic, natural that can even be a bit startling on music and HT when the source content dictates for sudden powerful bass reproduction.

     Welcome to the DBA  club, dnicol, have you paid your yearly dues yet?
Best wishes,
Hello all,

You all know my excellent experiences with the Swarm DBA by now. I had spent an even $1 million on my system at the time but wasn’t quite satisfied with the bass performance. So, I splurged another $3K on the Swarm and suddenly my system actually sounded like a million bucks, plus at least about another $3K and tax.
I think we could describe how well it performs until we’re all blue in the face and few would believe us, it’s too good to be true. But I know almost anyone would be completely convinced how incredibly well it performs by even just a brief audition. One listen is probably worth all our words of praise combined.


dnicol: " @noble100 I see you're running a 326S, (380S here) are you splitting an unbalanced out for the SA1000? I'm also going to try setting xover point lower as well. I do like the phase straight up at 90 though."

Hello dnicol,

     The 326S has l+r unblanced outputs and I'm using those to connect to the SA1000.  BTW, I'm thoroughly impressed with all the ML preamps I've heard thus far: 326S, 380S, 526 and No. 32. 

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