Swap my klipsch heresy's for Ohm walsh 2

I have an 20 year old pair of Klipsch Heresy's that are in
excellent condition that I can swap for a pair of Ohm
walsh 2's--I realize they are a completely different sound-
any thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by martykl


I recently bought Ohm 100s and maintained for almost 2 months (I made several posts to this effect on various threads in this forum) that the speakers were mediocre as far as large scale dynamics. I was going to hang on to them anyway because I really like other aspects of their performance. The question ultimately has become moot. Whether it was break in time, a switch of amps, or both...the speakers are now much improved in this regard.
I won't argue that they're state of the art dynamically, but they have definitely improved to a point where there is no meaningful issue for me. I would certainly have gotten your point a couple of months ago, but today I'll disagree. Not "dead" by any means.

One more thought. Just to see if my impression of improved dynamics was
the result of my "acclimating" to the speakers or whether the
speakers had actually improved, I briefly dropped my pair of Zingali 3s back
into the system the other day. These horns are about the most dynamic
speakers I own (although, in fairness, my Merlin VSMs are probably just as
good. I chose the Zings because they're easier to flip back into the system
than the VSMs). Two impressions:

1)The Zingalis do sound a bit more dynamic. More significantly so at modest
spls, much less obviously as the volume knob went up to my preferred
listening level.

2) I vastly prefer the Ohms overall.

One disclaimer - I use the Ohms with subs.


Although I read Mechans' post in a different way than you did (I don't know if he's auditoned only older model Ohms), I was just making a point about my experience with Ohms and dynamics:

I underestimated the speakers' ability in this area for quite some time because of certain variables which I didn't appreciate at the time - notwithstanding your posts which frequently pointed those factors out to me!. Mechans' experience may be due to the dynamic characteristics of the older models he's heard or they may be due to a situation like my own. Either way, I'm just cautioning others from repeating my mistake.
