SVS vs REL and experiences with both: your comments and preferences...

I’ve owned SVS and now own REL but just wondering who has had both and would care to share your experiences between the two. They seem to both have great advertising but a much different approach to it . Customer service is top notch too.  They both to me seem to have tons of reviews and getting awards......Thoughts.....

Showing 1 response by musicaddict

I have two older RELs, a Britannia B1 (two channel) and an old Storm III (now for a TV room). The old Def Tech Powerfield F-1500 sub (mostly 'boom') for the home theater is being replaced.

I received an SVS SB-3000 and two just-discontinued SB-2000 subs at Christmas.  For the music system I set the SB-3000 at 55Hz with a normal 12dB slope (volume -30dB). Main audio speakers were now high passed successfully at 70Hz (12dB slope again) with a DSPeaker room (bass) correction unit. So pretty much +/-2dB from 31Hz to 2kHz, solid bass power.

The jury is out on the sound. The B1 goes deeper (ported) but I don't ever use it to my knowledge. The SB-3000 seems to have a bit more power in the semi-low/mid bass and seems quicker. A switch back to the B1 for a week or so will help to solidify impressions. Although I have never thought I overloaded the B1 (the speakers die first) I feel like the SB-3000 has more power/authority (although it remains invisible to the ear).

If the SB-3000 doesn't stay in the two channel audio setup it will be because I find I like running stereo SB-2000s better (it will be my first attempt, coming eventually). I put just one SB-2000 where the REL B1 and SB-3000 sat to try with my audio mains, and with no high volumes there's almost no difference. So if those little SB-2000's can run cleanly/flatly into the 30s, stereo subbing might be the ticket. Then the SB-3000 would light up the small 2200 cu ft theater room.
I'd be looking squarely at SVS instead of REL. The value is with SVS. I cannot speak to long term quality of SVS. I'm hoping it's good. REL makes great subs. You will pay more for them IMO. I feel my B1, some 15 yrs old and $3200 new, was at least equaled by the SB-3000 at a mere $1000. Technology has met cost-conscious manufacturers. Look at HSU Research and Rythmik amongst many other mfrs.