SUT Advice - Which Ones Are The Best?

I am currently in research mode.  I want to add a SUT to my set-up but I am finding that there is not a lot of information from my local audio shop resources.  It seems that SUTs are outliers in the high end audio world.  
That said, I have read several articles in magazines and the web touting their merits.
Of all the brands out there I am most familiar with Bob's Devices.  Art Dudley wrote many good things about his experiences with Bob's SUTs, and I happen to trust Art (God rest his soul), but I'm wondering if there are others I should consider as well.  Please post your recommendations if you have experience with any SUTs, regardless of brand.
As for my set-up, I have a SME 20/2 turntable, Tri-Planer tone arm, Lyra Kleos cartridge, and KTE LCR Mk5 Phono preamp.  I do not know if I will always use a Kleos cartridge but I do think I will always buy low output MC carts.  I hope to buy something that will work with low output MCs but have some adjustability just in case.
I'd love to hear your recommendations.

Showing 2 responses by pindac

I use Hashimoto HM-3 and Cinemag 1251.
I am quite familiar with other SUT Brands and Head Amp's used within my own system and other owned systems. 
All my experiences I have taken part in will allow for me to detect that a  SUT will add a richness to a replay. Even though this trait is difficult to detect on certain Brands of SUT,  it is a noticeable trait when a SUT is A/B compared to a Head Amp'.
I have to date not heard a SUT that has a comparable transparency that a Head Amp' can produce.
In my system I am comfortable with each presentation and at present feel that the Cinemag 1251 has the Interface and Presentation that is most suited to my preference, it has a design that enables it to project the Upper Mid's and produce a very controlled Tight Bass Note.    
My Hashimoto HM-3 has recently been on loan to the HiFi Group I am a member off.
I missed a very recent meeting, where the HM-3 SUT was used in a demonstration with a Bespoke Built Head Amp.
The differences in the performances were reported on as a follow up in an email chain.
The Hashimoto has been claimed to have been mellow, relaxed and having a refined detail retrieval. 
I can concur using recollections of my experiences about the refined detail retrieval, I have noticed this myself when the SUT is in use.

The Head Amp has been claimed to have forward projection and airiness and incisive detail retrieval.
I can concur using recollections of my experiences, that when I have used a Head Amp in my system, the projection and clarity/lucidity of the presentation is noticeable and differs from a SUT in this area.
My experience with SUT vs Head Amp demonstration in my system will show a SUT to have a hint of Richness when compared to a Head Amp.
Are Mellow, Relaxed, Richness the same thing when different comments from different individuals are being offered about a SUT? 
Are Airiness and Incisive Detail Retrieval quite similar to clarity/lucidity when different comments from different individuals are being offered about a Head Amp ? 
Bear in mind another SUT 'might close the Gap' on the Airiness, but my experience is that SUT's add a hint of Richness, so the clarity/lucidity will be a harder gap to close in on. 
These are my thoughts on the matter based on my limited experiences.

If it is a must to get the presentation to meet the preferences of the end user and to be a satisfying long term experience, it is worthwhile experiencing each of the Designs (SUT vs Head Amp) to see how one is making an impact within a System.