Suspended vs. nonsuspended TT?

I have the been looking at both used VPI TNT and Aries 'tables and Nottingham as well. I am interested in a system with great bass extension. My system is in a second floor den with suspended wooden floors. The TNT would be on a VPI stand, the others likely on a Target or homemade maple stand with some type of MDF/sand and/or air suspension device utilized.

Any suggestions on whether to go suspended or nonsuspended?



Showing 3 responses by seandtaylor99

Cost of suspension :
1 concrete slab (or marble cutting block for higher WAF)
1 wad of soft foam (or bicycle inner tube, or sorbothane)
Can't cost more than $50 ... even to make it pretty.

Personally I have never found that the lack of suspension on my Rega Planar 3 to be a problem. I have used concrete and soft foam and marble block with soft foam and both worked perfectly fine. I was in the same situation ... spiked speakers (big floorstanders), turntable on a rack, all on a suspended wooden floor. I have no experience with suspension tables (I've only used Rega) so I can't say if they'd be better. But I cannot see that they would isolate better than a bloody great big slab of concrete sat on top of foam.

So in conclusion I'd get whichever TT sounds best in the audition and worry about building an isolation platform if you pick the non-suspended one.
Sean ... Mrowlands answered my question. Sure it's easier with the Rega than with others due to relatively low mass and a relatively central center of gravity.