Suspended cables

Hi folks,

Still a bit of a newbie here.

I have gained an understanding of the reasoning behind keeping speaker cables off the floor.

So ...,

Each of my mains have a 1.5 meter cable connected to it’s own monoblock. The monoblocks sit 26" above the floor and nearly level with the speaker terminals. Speaker to monoblock distance allow the cables to be suspended completely from the floor in a loosely hanging arc (about 8" above the floor).

Is this better than using cable risers? 
Are there any reasons not to do this? Stress on connectors? Bad for cables?

Thanks all!


Showing 1 response by richopp

The only way to deal with cables is to interview EACH electron personally and have them give their point of view.  Remember, electrons are NOT all alike.  Some are white, some black, some Asian, some Latino, and some are mixed.

You have to understand their relationship to each other to understand WHERE they want the cable when and for what specific songs.  For example, for Eagles songs, they prefer to be ABOVE things, and for AC/DC songs...well, you see the issue there, of course.

I suggest 6 years of college and a couple of PhD degrees in physics and psychoacoustics before deciding something as important as dealing with cables.

OR, you could just realize that ALL the stuff about cabels is bull.  If you bought them from an audio shop and they cost more than a few bucks, well, you will have to figure that out yourself, I guess.
