Surround Channel Speaker Recommendations

I have recently added HT to my audio system, and I have a question regarding surround channel speaker recommendations. My mains are Thiel CS3.6's, and my center channel is a Thiel SCS3. For surrounds, I have two older AR bookshelf speakers available, either TSW 110's or the satellites from the SAT 660 trio. While these sound great on their own, they don't match up well sonically to the Thiel's. Should I even worry about this in a surround setting? Most of my critical listening is done in 2-channel stereo, and quite honestly, I haven't noticed a whole lot going on in the movies that I have listened to which would require top notch performance out of the surrounds. However, I did pick up the Led Zepplin DVD, and that was the first time that I really noticed that my surrounds weren't blending with the mains very well.

Ideally, a pair of SCS3's, or Thiel PCS would be ideal, but I don't have the funds to go that route just yet. Floor standing speakers are not an option in this room. Should I try a decent, lower priced speaker, like the Paradigm Titan or PSB Alpha, or should I save up for a pair of SCS3's? Also, are their any recommendations of DVDs out there that really show off the surround channels that I should check out?

Thanks, Tom.

Showing 1 response by rsuminsby

I'll take some exeption to the previous post...I use Atlantic Tech 454 surrounds with my Thiel 2.3/MCS1 system, and while the timbre match isn't perfect, I still get a very satisfying HT experience. Sure, I'd like to have Powerpoints some day, but I'm happy for now.

I'd suggest hawking the 'gon for an inexpensive pair of dipole surrounds and trying those out (some people swear by monopole, others insist on each his own.)