Suprateks with Remote Owners - Help

i recently received my chardonnay, but i'm having difficulty teaching the supra remote's volume codes to my universal remote (home theater master mx-500). the mx-500 flashes "GOOD" so it says it has learned the codes, but when i try to use the mx-500 for volume control nothing happens. has anybody been successful in transferring the supra remote volume codes to another remote? thanks.

btw, the chardonnay sounds better than i could've ever imagined.
I called Home Theatre when I had a problem a while ago. They advised using 5 inches between the remotes for programing. They were helpful on the phone. I have mine working great now for the most part.

I would also call Supra what codes they used. That might help.
I just picked up the Sunwave 3810 two days ago, as I could not stand the crappy little remote that's supplied with the Supratek. In around 30 minutes, all my Stereo units are working correctly and fully, Pre-Amp (Supratek), CD (Audio Aero), DVD, VCR and TV.

Nothing could be simpler. For the pre-amp I just made the unit learn all four buttons on the Supratek in around 45 seconds.

well, i was able to program the volume controls on the ff and rew buttons. not ideal, but it'll do until i can actually get the vol up and vol down button to learn the codes. c'est la vie.