Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?

I know, money talks, bullshi* walks...
But having owned an audio store for about a dozen years, I know how tough it is to 'make a living' for a mom and pop store, without some sugar daddy/momma in the background funding the enterprize.
So, I am wondering if the nice folks of Audiogon support local businesses?
As I stated, "Money Talks" and I get it, we all want the best 'value' for our money. The question is...when does the price versus local support begin/end. When does the follow up and or service/set up outweigh the raw savings?
To be clear, I am not talking fantastic discounts, but a few percentage points off retail. I remember a painful transaction that I had once, during which a customer had taken home a particular CD player two weekends running, only to purchase elsewhere because he 'saved' $53.00 (on a $500. item). OUCH!
I contended that without the long term audition, he had nothing on which to base his purchase? How does everyone else see this?
Right now, its obviously a tough financial climate out there, but looking to more normal times, I am wondering how many of the readers/writers of Audiogon would forego price for service/set up? OK, forget buying great used pieces for fractions of original retail, everyone must probably assume that that's good for everyone, including the dealers, as this frees up customers who are now, 'back in the hunt'.

It will be interesting to hear back, it's been some time since the Brick and Mortar (at least for me) question was aired out.


Showing 9 responses by chadnliz

My dad does for sure, I do too but I beat him up on price to a bloody pulp and mock his snot bubbles leaking from his nose but I feel good that I am doing my part :)
John, man up and clean that snot off your shirt!
Seriously guys, please support the local dealer if possible, these guys are trying and do provide a valauble service and need to survive. Many dont know how important a good dealer relationship can be till its found.
They were the ones who brought us along all these years and to turn your back on them is wrong.
Life is too short to let things like that bother me after I say my peace. Good day to you too and be well.
Yes but the must have stuff that goes in them is exactly like our situation, and I bet they are spending alot of time on their butt's as of late!
Yea and many are bought by a person of trust from the sellers side...the seller just shows up and shows off his new toy, what does he care anyway?.....he just wants to feel important and have a new toy.
Well Luxury Yachts come to mind but its besides the point, I think many are coming of age in audio where they for reasons from no dealer in area to lack of income have never experienced what a great dealer can give you. A demo both in store even when closed so your really alone, in home for extended audition, a call for technical support and a trip over to tweak, measure and even pack up and assist in a items sale to replace it with a new one. Some dont put much value in that and thats just fine but we are all going to be a bit worse off when they all go the way of the Dinosaur..even if we dont see it yet.
What happens years down the road when there may sadly and hopefully not be any store front dealers and its all over the net?, the comparison in price will soon fade and once again folks will feel they are being conned and overcharged
then what happens after that, do we all just switch to used gear until the entire thing will collapse because we only are driven by low price? Internet direct is like having a coupon now.....what happens when it expires?
There is also another way to look at this, internet direct sellers are can actually be argued that they are taking even more advantage of us because there profit margins are huge, many items are not half or 60-70% of reatail of compareable dealer stuctured products so they are making at times really obscene profits that actually make you even madder than paying a dealer mark up for the service. IMO

"That might be insulting if it came from a real man, considering the source, all I can do is LMAO."

Who are you anyway and why do you care?
The comment was neither to you or about you, it was a joke between who cares what you think in the first place? The difference between me and you is I would say that to his face, I doubt you would say that to mine.
I think you assumed I was talking to you, there are many named John and reading closer you may pick up on the fact I was joking with the dealer "John" cheers
Gawd with all due respect stay out of it, John and I had an issue that was started when he insulted me based on his misreading of my has nothing to do with you. Please save judgement and lectures for you kids.

John, sorry for the interuption...I went back and edited the post when it hit me you must have been misundetood and I noted that so no worries, when I asked who you were it was because I didnt at first know who you were or why you came at me but in a previous post you noted your real name was John and thats where I put it all together. My joke was for John a dealer and he would get me.
The trouble with cheaper gear is folks like ones in this hobby will still pass on the cheap stuff and insist quality comes with the premium price. Meanwhile the general public still wont buy because they just dont care, so the firing squad circle will still continue.