
Particularly the album 'Paris' which ive always thought to be one of the greatest live albums of all time although some beg to differ. The song 'you started laughing' will forever stay with me as one of the greatest songs ever performed live in concert. Are there any Supertramp fans amongst us that might share their admiration for the band?

Showing 2 responses by sgr

I've always enjoyed Crisis, What Crisis? and Even in the Quietest Moments. Maybe all cuts aren't as polished and brilliant as Breakfast or Crime but still excellent and fresh. They have not been so over played on the radio. Sonics are excellent on both. No doubt about that. I have 3 versions of the albums original lp, first generation cd, and cd reissues. I'd rank them this way for SQ.
MFSL LP Crime of Century
Then all 4 regular issue LPs
Original CD releases
CD Reissues

It is not that the reissues sound bad, they sound fine, I just think the original CDs are truer to the original CDs.