Super-sensitive volume controls - remedy?

I'm getting real tired of preamps with a volume control that does everything from a faint whisper to way too loud all in the 8:00 to 10:00 position on the dial. My old Rotel RC-995 was like that, and now my new Parasound 2100; both with remote volume that becomes useless with that level of sensitivity. Of course, I noticed a big change when I switched from Maggie MG12's to Tekton Lore Reference, even with my old Luxman CX-100.

My question is not about searching for preamps that don't do that, but whether there is a transparent method of attenuation, either externally or internally, that would allow a more gradual and precise volume adjustment.

Showing 2 responses by raymonda

Go passive. However, your issue is most likely your source is too hot. This either because the engineering of the music, due to excessive compression or even high efficiency speakers being driven by too much amp.

In any line attenuation or a passive pre might be in order. Or....if it is the amp.....a less powerful amp.
A pro amp has pots to control input gain. essentially this is equal to an amp and passive combination.