Sunfire CRM-2 Ribbon Monitors-any good for 2 chann

thinking about giving these a listen...i am looking for a small pair of monitors for 2 channel listening in a second system, with a sub.....these seem like they should be great sounding...any opinions on $1800 a pair they should be darn good.....thanks
I just purchased a pair of CRM-2's for my L/R front of my HT. (I am downsizing, needed more living space out of my 14x15 room. They are replacing my Carver AL III's which have been my mainstay for the last 12 years. The challenge was indeed great). I have clocked in about 50 hours of break in and they sound awesome. They are not upfront in your face speakers but provide a "wave" of music that just seems to engulf me and draws me into the experience of the music or movie instead of just being a listener. Very much what I was use to with the AL III's. The key with these speakers is the choice of subwoofer. It must be powerful, dymamic and match up in speed and definition up to the cross over point (100hz worked beautifully for me with my HSU 1225 sub powered by the HSU model 500 amp). Just a side note: I didn't want to commit to the CRM-2C for the center channel until I heard the CRM-2 in my home. I am convinced that a full blown 5.1 (or 7.1) will in my future! I am driving these speakers with a Sony ES4 (100watts per) receiver with very satisfing results. I have heard them demo'd with Sunfire Amps and they become dynamically explosive while retaining inner detail that sometimes has you saying "what was that" when listening to familiar music or movies. I say that I am getting about 90 to 95% of the experience with the Sony but don't lust for the "ultimate" because I am having so much fun with the "experience" of whatever I am listening too or watching!!! I've been into high end sound gear for over 35 years. To much $$$ spent over the years. lol. I consider these an honest bargain at their price point, but like any foundation, you cannot cut corners with the Sub(s) as I decribed.
Eminent Technology makes some pretty nice Ribbon Hybrid Monitors with Cone Woofers, I heard them in Chester NJ at Landis Audio and was almost more impressed with what they can actually do then their big brother the LFT VIIIA but they look like a speaker made in High School Wood Shop.
i really just like the idea that they are ribbons, and are small....i would use them in a 2nd system
I'd check out the Apogee monitors listed here on AGon for $500 a pair. They have a good sound and should go well with a sub. They have a 4" ribbon and a 6 1/2 in woofer. The ribbon rotates, so they can stand vertically or on their sides.