Viridian, you are right, I feel like an Idiot. I set this unit up myself new and replaced the horrible stock arm myself with present one. That was a life time ago and several moves and divorce and mondo memory loss and obviously I no longer have the paper work. The table has been in safe storage for years. I am currently rediscovering my vinyl(from early 60s–late 80s). Any way,I mounted the arm with the set screw at the very rear of the arm base 180°from cueing arm post. I couldn't feel it with my thick,calloused,clubby fingers and had to turn the whole table around for a visual check(now must reset and level).Thanks all for your interest and input. I really like this table and am considering tweaks and such rather than buying a new table, any suggestions?? mats, cones, sorbothane feet,etc, what do you guys like??
Sumiko Premier MMT Arm VTA?
I have an AR ES–1 TT with a Sumiko Premier MMT arm with a Sure V–15V MR cartridge which is a good match with no VTA adjustment needed. This arm has no VTA adjustment but I have been told there is a conversion kit for my arm to upgrade to a VTA adjustable unit.Is this so and where can I get one? I might want to change cartridge types and would probably need to adjust the VTA. If not what are my options?(shims) Any suggestions or contact information would be helpful.Thanks
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