Suggestions on new website

Hi all,
I was thinking of making an audio/stereo website that would have pictures of peoples systems/setups on it,with descriptions of equipment etc.Also,was going to have music and equipment reviews done by the surfers of the website.The reviews would not have to be of new equipment or music either.I do not wish to compete with AudioGon or audioweb etc. as I will not have classifieds or forums etc.I just wanted to have an informational/fun site.I always found it intriguing to see other peoples rooms/setups/equipment.Possibly get some ideas for my own room.the site will be free,there will be no membership or fees,just a fun site for everyone to share their obsession with.Any suggestions for any other content that I could put on there would be helpful.If I decide to go with it,I will put the URL on here and other places as well.Thanks.
Mitja: I just had enough time presently to do a cursory checkout of the one page, "Christos Skaloumbakas's System" and from what I glean, this Web site you have recommended seems like a really cool premise. I think many of our friends in the Audiogon community may enjoy it. Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks to Mitja I've been surfing that web for couple of hours already and I did not finish yet!

As to suggestions about the web, egistering and memberships arn't that bad idea since we'll have a chance to share some public information with each other.
Try link below, hope will help as example.