Suggestions for solid state balanced linestage with remote, $2000 or less

I haven't had a higher end solid state linestage for some time.  Have had some cheaper ones but felt they add some grain and tizziness to the signal.  Want to be able to run power amps with a balanced input (e.g., Audio Research power amps), and have remote switching capability for source selection.

From my knowledge the usual suspects would be from Ayre, maybe Modwright.  Haven't kept track of newer models and brands that may offer a lot of performance and value. 

Thoughts welcome.
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Showing 1 response by mountz

My Callsto eclipse is in the Aesthetix shop, so for sh*ts and giggles, I bought a Linn Klimax with Kontrol and dual balance upgrade for $2250 a few days ago.  Wonderful SS design and built like a tank.  You can thank me later if you are searching for inner detail and realism.  It will reveal  any areas that your system is lacking, though.