Suggestions for next upgrade...

I have had my VR2s for several months now and am pretty satisfied with them. There are 2 areas where I would like to improve the sound and was hoping that Audiogoners could make me some suggestions.

My assotiated equipments:

>Speakers: Von Schweikert VR2s with added lead shot
>CD player: Arcam CD72
>Turntable: old Sony w/ Grado cartridge for use w/ my old records untill I can convert them to CDs
>Preamp: Classe CP50 (have also tried a Sonic Frontiers Line 1)
>Power Amp: Odyssey Stratos w/ cap upgrade (have also tried a McIntosh ??)
>Speaker wire: large guage Monster cable (not bi-wiring yet)
>Interconnects: Have tried several but notice no difference between them, Monster, Nordost Black Knight, Transparent The Link 200.

There is 2 areas where I would like improvements. The bass goes pretty low but lacks "punch". I would also like a warmer midrange.
Where would you suggest that I make changes to improve in these areas (I do not want a tube power amp and will only get a tube preamp if I can get the sound I want with new tubes that are readily avaliable.).

Showing 1 response by morasp

I would try an isolation paltform from Silent Running Audio under the Odyssey. You didnt' mention price but you can get the tremor/less for $300 or less or the VR 3.0 for around $500. The bass and midrange should both benefit. I started with the Tremor/less, then the VR 3.0 and liked each improvement so much I'm up to an Ohio class under my amp which is being made now. No matter what else you upgrade the microphonic noise floor will be there masking the sound until you address it with effective vibration isolation.