Suggestions for good cheap Equalizer

My 2nd system could use a little help smoothing out some of the high frequencies and boosting the bottom end during quieter listening sessions. Besides the Schiit Loki are there any other decent economical equalizers out there? I’m thinking that the pro side of things might be where to look. 

Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

As others have said, a cheap equalizer is not going to be absolutely transparent. But in a second system, maybe it doesn’t matter. Another issue is whether something like the Loki, with 4 fixed bands, might be easier to adjust than, say, a 1/3-octave (31-band) parametric. I owned a Cello Palette Preamp years ago, and it was a pleasure to tweak 6 knobs instead of the 62 sliders (31/ch) on the graphic EQ I owned for a while later on. Even six seemed like a lot at times.

To sum up, sometimes simplicity outweighs flexibility; and if possible, listen before committing.