Eversolo won’t work via USB with your McIntosh pre. I have been waiting since June for this to be corrected. Unit worked flawlessly for almost a year. FW 1.2.98 rendered USB inoperable with McIntosh DA2 card.
Suggestions for a DAC/Streamer to replace BlueOS Node Streamer
First of all I’m not a “hifi nut” and not looking to replace any other gear, cables, power supplies, conditioners etc. Music is just one hobby. I stream Apple music via Apple play; that’s it (replaced Quboz with Apple for several reasons). My 2 channel gear is the said Node, an MC2700, an MC462 and a pair of BW 801D4. I have a CD collection that was ripped and resides on an SSD drive connected to the Node. A rarely used source. I have a Magnum Dynlab FM tuner for the occasional radio listening so don’t need a digital radio signal. I don’t use headphones. There seem to be “good/great/fantastic” DACs out anywhere from ~ $500 to 5K+. Seems like I’d benefit from replacing the NODE with something complementary to my existing gear to improve the sound presented to my ears. I’d appreciate some suggestions.