Suggestions for a DAC

I'm thinking about using my meridian 506.24 as a transport & moving to a separate DAC. Would like to stay under about $600 (used).

Anyone got suggestions? or bruises from their experience?

Rest of the signal path is: ARC LS-7; SMC Audio DNA 0.5 Rev. A, Dunlavey SC-3, MIT cables throughout.

Thanks for putting in your 0.02.

Before buying a DAC, I would suggest you go to the website of the EVS Millenium DAC ( and read what he has to say about dacs and why he no longer is manufacturing them.
Many good things have been said about the new Channel Islands VDA-1. Do a search at audiogon and audio asylum for reviews. The DAC and the beefier power supply cost $500 new, and you can do a 30 day home trial and return it if you don't like it. Can't really go wrong with that. Good Luck,
Clearly you should listen to some dacs from your dealer. I think it is obvious that the Bel Canto DAC is a favorite. And I think with good reason. It makes most SS stuff (ahead and behind)sound much smoother and listenable(IMO of course, I have one).