Suggestions for $2k budget

Greetings, and I hope you are all well.
Looking for speaker advice on a $2k budget. Used or new, tower or bookshelf, doesn't matter. I'm about a year into my audiophile journey and am about to buy a house with a small to medium sized space I'll be using as a listening room. I listen to mostly rock/electronic 
I respect your opinions very much, would be very grateful for any tips!
Thank you,
I’d get a brand new pair of wharfedale lintons with the stands for 1500 new......I have not read one negative review yet and there are many many reviews. Tone audio for one.....beautifully finished and great sounding...can’t do much better at that price, and you save 500 for other things...😁
Go jump on those music culture rl-21 on usaudio. Might be the only pair you’ll ever see for sale in the us. It’s in your budget. They’ll blow your mind. 
What type of music do you listen to?  If you have a specific budget, I suggest you consider selling your amp and think of it as a “system”.  The amp and speaker need to have synergy in order to sound good.  

There are different routes:
1. Low power tube amp + high efficiency speakers + subwoofers (later) if you want more bass

e.g. Decware or Firstwatt F5 or Almarro  + Zu Omen Def I Or Spatial Audio M series.

2. High current (power) amp + planar speakers + subwoofer (later) if you want more bass

e.g. Your Adcom + Magnepan LRS or 0.7.  The LRS got rave reviews considering its price.

3. High current (power) + not so efficient, full range floor speaker, no subwoofer.

e.g. Your Adcom + Tekton Design Moab
I haven’t heard it, but just read several good reviews.  In general I haven’t heard any floor speakers I like so far.  Maybe I haven’t heard those super expensive floor speakers driving with super expensive McIntosh monoblocks.  I listen to B&W 802D and I didn’t get “wow” considering the price tag.  
4. Monitors + subwoofer if you have a small area

e.g. Your Adcom + Heresys III or IV.  I haven’t heard both, but reviews say IV has better bass.  Heresys is also pretty efficient, you can upgrade or move to a lower power amp later.

Route #1 may exceed your budget because you need a new amp.