Suggestions (based on experience) for power amp for Dynaudio Contour 20s, please

I have Contour 20s, and I'm driving them with a McIntosh MC152.  I like the sound.  But I'd appreciate input from someone who's heard the 20s driven by multiple different amps, especially Dynaco or PrimaLuna.

Showing 3 responses by bhakti-rider

Thanks for the responses.  david_ten, the Contour 20s do need quite a bit of power; with some CDs, I've had the pre-amp volume set to 100.
I've sent an inquiry to PrimaLuna asking which of their power amps they'd recommend.  I was thinking it might call for the DiaLogue Premium HP.
Nitewulf, do you happen to know which particular amp was driving the Contour 20s when you heard them?