Suggestion on XLR Cables

I’m looking for a suggestion on reasonably price high-end XLR cables. By reasonable I mean <=$1k. I prefer pre-owned cables because I hate paying retail, especially for cables.

The rest of the system is

PS Audio DMP Transport
PS Audio DSD Dac
NAT Audio Magnetic Preamp
PS Audio BHK Stereo Amp
Wilson Audio Duettes
Synergistic Powercell 10 UEF Conditioner
Acoustic Revive RTP-2 Power Distributor
(2) Acoustic Revive R-777
3 Furutech Flux 50 Power Filters
Various Furutech Power Cables
Dueland XLR interconnects
Acoustic Revive Speaker Cable

Most of what I listen to is Jazz, Vocalists (Diana Krall, Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald) or Pop/Rock (Eagles, James Taylor). Occasionally classical but then mostly solo piano.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 5 responses by pbnaudio

The Canare I recommended above is a very high quality cable and if bought from BlueJeans Cable comes expectedly terminated. A balanced system is not nearly as finicky with cable choices as a non balanced one. IMO the Canare has no "tonal" trait, its neutral.

I do not buy into the "Cable Craze", I however believe in solidly engineered and manufactured cables and probably much more important connectors and terminations.

For a economy RCA cable I recommend and use, albeit I do not have much unbalanced equipment, the BlueJeans LC1

For an example I have a client in Los Angeles area with a very nice high end system whom had terrible a hum situation, he used high $ cables from a well known manufacture. Installation of the LC1 through out in his system completely cured this with much improved sound as a result.

Good Listening


Had a absolute top flight Ayon Preamplifier come through here a few years ago - it had balanced connectors on the back - but - a quick look inside - pin 3 had no termination :-) US standard has pin 3 as the inverted signal.

Balanced equipment either for home or professional use have several advantages and if executed properly will outperform a single ended system. Typically less noise, better transients and dynamics all things we strive for in music reproduction. If the system is balanced through out from cartridge or DAC (and here I mean the actual IC (BB1704K) or (ESS9018) for examples) to speaker the benefits of Fully Balanced design approach easily shine through.

Good Listening

Will check them out and report back when I get them installed 

Good Listening

Got a full set of the Gotham GAC-4 Pro as suggested by Muse, the are excellent.  Beautifully terminated and very "quiet" there must be something to that double Rousen Shielding.

Highly recommended

Good Listening
