Suggested Phono Preamp

System: Music Hall MMF-5.1SE Turntable, Dynovector, NAD C356BEE,Monitor Audio Silver 8 speakers.

looking for a phono pre amp but am very confused with all the choices under $1,000.

Appreciate suggestion.

Which Dynavector? They make low and high output models. Ideally the phono preamp is matched to the cartridge you are using or intend to use.

But if you're looking for a good phono preamp that can take care of both, along with any other cartridges you may buy down the road, then look at the Dynavector P75 MkIII. At $895 its below your budget and will sound good with just about anything; especially your current Dynavector.
The Music Hall has the Dynovector 10X5. Thank you kindly for your suggestion.

I also use the Music Hall Speed Box-George
You can't go wrong with the P75. With that in place, a future upgrade can be something like a dv20 low output version. I have all of this stuff too. I'm not getting the info from a magazine like so many others.
There is a guy selling a Project phono preamp for $225 that will be fine in your system. They're good products for the money.
I don't think you need spend more to enjoy what your turntable/cart combo is capable of.