Suggest Best DAC under $1500 for "Elac Navis ARB-51" Active speaker.

I am a newbie in HiFi Audio but a Music Lover since childhood. I was looking for Best designed speakers under $2000 and purchased "Elac Navis ARB-51" speaker. KEF LS50W was in my mind but chose Elac Navis as it can scale well with external DACs. Another Main reason for choosing Elac Navis over KEF LS50W is Navis speakers are said to be more Warm & non fatiguing. I don't want my choice of DAC to make it sound brighter or too analytical. I prefer a DAC/Preamp combo under $1500 and need XLR outputs. From researching on most of the forums, below are the DACs I think would be a good match. Kindly provide your valuable suggestions. 

1. RME ADI-2 DAC ==> Many users reported that it is excellent DAC but too digital.
2. Topping D90
3. Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (I know DAC couldn't compete with rest but its a 3 in 1 combo).
4. Denafrips Ares II  (Needs a Preamp)
5. Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Costs >$2000 with a preamp)
Did you choose a DAC or any other items (pre, streamer etc.?)

Thanks to everyone for the Valuable Suggestions.

I finally purchased a pre-owned "Elac Alchemy DDP-2" Preamp/DAC/Streamer Combo for $1500 via Audiogon listings. It is delivered to my Friend's address in USA and he will hand carry to India once Covid situation subsides. 

Thank you all and be safe.
I purchased both an ADI-2 FS and Topping D90 MQA over the last couple weeks.  I have both running in but have spent a little time listening to each.   My previous DACs were a SimAudio 380DSD (owned for 5 years) and then a Bricast M3 that I replaced the SimAudio DAC with before deciding to try some of the cheaper but well reviewed DACs like the two mentioned here.

So far my take on the RME is it is offers good detail without being overly forward or analytical.  I wouldn't call it warm, maybe sweet and/or slightly laid back.  I don't think I will get fatigued listening to it long term.   My only reservations so far is it is a little lean sounding (at least compared to the SimAudio sound) and isn't the most dynamic.    For its MSRP I think it offers a lot of value and very fine sound.

The D90 I find to be a different beast.   It is maybe the most detailed DAC I've heard in my system, more like the M3 fed into my Pass amplifier direct bypassing my preamp.   I also find it offers more dynamics and bass than the RME, again more like the M3.   I find it also offers a little more fuller sound like what I was used to with the SimAudio, which is a quality I like and did miss a bit with the M3.  I personally wouldn't call it lean sounding.

My reservations so far are I find it forward and/or a little sharp, with an analytical sound. I've noticed I've been listening at lower sound levels than usual because I find it fatiguing.   I'm hoping that goes away over time, but if it doesn't I'm not sure I can handle it.   I'm listening mostly to HD FLAC and WAV downloads that I'm very familiar with.  Some of them are as good as I've ever heard, but on some I find it just too much...
Anyhow, I have 30 days to decide, and for $800 and all of the features it provides (e.g. variable volume, filter settings to play with, very solid construction, etc...) it is hard to go wrong for that price.


Did you choose a DAC or any other items (pre, streamer etc.?) 

Thanks for the update.
RME ADI2 is a very nice DAC, but not, I repeat, NOT warm.

Topping D90 very very close to sound of the RME... same family DAC chip, slightly different implementation, a little more sheen, a little less focus than the RME... but very very close.
@Sfar, Bel Canto DAC 3 is very good but as I am in India, importing used ones is a hassle. I prefer latest new DACs but if I can get good deals on used ones in India like you suggested I will try to buy it. Thanks.
And I see there is a Bel Canto DAC 3 on US Audio Mart for $750. The preamp section of mine works extremely well as a front for my tube amp.
If you're open to buying used, I'm extremely happy with a Bel Canto DAC 3 I bought used for considerably less than your budget. Any of the Bel Canto DACs that are within your budget would give you the sound you want and with XLR outputs. Aside from the sound and build quality the implementation of the remote control is the best I've seen. There's a 2.7 listed on Audiogon now for $1,400.
Sathtom, thanks for posting! I also have new Elac Navis ARB-51 speakers. Looking for a new DAC and streaming combo that compliments the speakers w/XLR Out. It would be great if dac could also be used to improve my old Stan Warren modified CD player too. Watching for replies to your post with keen interest.
you want warm tonality with very good resolution - suggest neko audio d100 mk2, reasonably priced, very very musical dac