Sugden in US?

Interested in Sugden Bijou products, especially the Headmaster headphone/preamp. Available in US? Anyone heard them? Thanks.
Blkadr-I have the Sugden A21a amplifier-I highly recommend the quality of their equipment especially since most things in this country (UK) are a rip off.
Obviously you should demo their equipment, the Bijou line is also nice on the eye.....
Ben - How do feel about the EAR products? A local shop here really pushes both the Sugden and EAR stuff..
My local dealer does EAR though I've never heard it,it is a brand endorsed by the likes of Dave Gilmour(P.Floyd) however although he admires their original thinking on design I got the feeling he didn't consider their products amongst the best he stocked.
Complete hearsay but it's all I've usual...