Sugden IA-4

I am running Devore 0/93 speakers which are massively forgiving and looking for a Solid State Integrated as a backup amp for a Push-Pull 300B integrated (coming soon).
I listen in a small room so power is a non-issue, but I do like good attack on bass, rich midsized, and a smooth, non-etched sound. My DAC helps in this regard: Lampizator Atlantic TRP with KT66 tubes.
My current integrated is tube-based (Linear Tube Audio Z10 integrated). I am presently considering the Sugden IA-4. Does anyone have any experience with this Sugden?
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Showing 1 response by swann36

Really interesting read and now I feel as I move towards my final set up I should consider the Sugden IA-4 as an alternative to a Radford Revival STA25 which will feed a pair of Tannoy HPD 15s in GRF narrow cabinets ultimately but in the meantime a pair of Klipsch QuartetsÂ