Sugden A25 OK with KEF104/2?

I'm considering picking up an old Sugden A25 amp but I can't figure out if it will be a good pairing with my KEF 104/2s, which are 4 ohm. Can't find any specs on the amp. The room isn't that big, I like it loud on occasion with the rock, but mostly just chilling with jazz. I don't want to make the purchase if the A25 will just run out of steam trying to drive these speakers.


Showing 1 response by jasonbourne71

The KEF 104/2  are rather low sensitivity. They benefit from higher power amps. Especially if you like to crank up the sound at times! The A25:will work fine at low to moderate levels. For loud rock/symphonic stuff no! A 100wpc at a minimum for that.