Subwoofwer for Dynaudio

I have a pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SEs driven by a Plinius 8200 integrated amp. I love the sound but would like to add a subwoofer. Any suggestions about which subwoofer works well with this combination. Budget is around $1250 or so.


Showing 2 responses by hear4

Thanks for the feedback. I owned an REL Storm III and while it sounded great the quality was abysmal. It broke down twice under warranty and three times after the warranty expired. I was able to negotiate reduced cost repairs with Sumiko each time but the whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

I've heard good things about SVS, Hsu, Velodyne and Paradigm subwoofers. Does anyone have experience with these subwoofers paired with Dynaudio.

I usually don't have problems with any audio or video equipment. All I think of is that, similar to cars, sometimes a lemon is manufactured and I got stuck with it. As I said, I did enjoy the REL's sound but would like to look elsewhere this time.
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