Subwoofers for Magnepan 20.1s?

I used Granite Audio's Ultimate Low Bass CD and my 20.1s go to 25Hz at -10dB and my room is 16x26x10 (speakers approx 6ft from back wall and 3.5ft from side walls on ends). I can get -6dB in the 29-33dB range and then it is pretty flat with a slight drop in the 50-60Hz range. I am not a bass fanatic, but on some recordings, I wish I had some further lower bass extension without becoming unnatural sounding/boomy. I know HP likes Nola Thunderbolt subs with the 20.1s. Has anyone tried them or any others? Other system components: Pass X250.5 amp and Xono phonostage, Audio Research Ref 3 preamp and Ref 8 CD player, VPI superscoutmaster reference turntable/10.5 tonearm, Dynavector XV1S cart.

Showing 1 response by sgr

1. In my experience, I believe the JL subs would work fine. I'd go for the 10 or 13 inch models and use two.

2. JL Audios built in software for room equalization works great and makes it easier to blend the subs with Maggies.

3. Plan on purchasing a seperate external crossover like a Bryston or equivalent. I'd find one so you can rid yourself of the Maggie passive crossovers and use the electronic crossover to work with your Maggies and subwoofers.

4. I've tried blending without using an exteranl crossover before, and while you can indeed improve your sound, you won't really get the ultimate performance without an external crossover.

Have fun!
