
I'm looking at subwoofers, my speakers are Sonus Faber Olympica III. I have looked at a lot of subs to the point of overloaded. I'm leaning toward REL S812 X 2 due to room size. My living room, kitchen and dining room are open with a 24 foot vaulted ceiling, area is 35 X  25. 

JL Audio, Rythmik, PSA, HSU, to name a few have been checked out. 



Showing 2 responses by soix

If foam surrounds on Rhythmik subs are an issue for you, why were they even on your list in the first place?  Also, I’ve never, ever heard of anyone having an issue with a Rhythmik sub.  Crossing Rhythmiks off your list simply due to foam surrounds would be a mistake I think given the performance, value, and overall quality on offer, but that’s me.

Nice speakers. This one is a no brainer to me as you can get two excellent Rhythmik F12G subs for $1000 less than one of the RELs, and the F12Gs even go significantly deeper as well. I’m sure the RELs are good, but the price differential here is pretty staggering considering that they’ll both likely be excellent in your system/room. JL Audio subs have had reliability issues, so for that reason I’d avoid them given the other solid choices available.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.