Subwoofer with center channel

Does anyone here use a subwoofer with a center channel? I was watching a Riverside concert dvd today and was surprised by the amount of content being sent to the center channel. My Sonus Faber center speaker sounds good, but I wonder what I might be missing.  I have a decent NHT SubTwo I subwoofer that I'm not using. Maybe I should give it a try.. 


Showing 2 responses by soix

Sounds like you’ve got your priorities straight in terms of more highly valuing 2-channel. 😜  If possible I’d have all four subs working in a swarm array for stereo assuming you could have both LFE and L/R line-level inputs connected to the SVS sub simultaneously.  That’d be your biggest benefit in employing your NHT sub IMHO.  FWIW. 

You’re missing a ton!  IME the center speaker and subwoofer are the most important speakers by far in a multichannel system.  Properly dialed in a good sub (or better, multiple subs) not only adds bass but also ambiance, imaging, 3D soundstage, but it needs to be properly set up and dialed in to be seamless.  By all means break out that sub and put it to use!!!